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Lisa Marie's

Offering speciality freeze-dried treats since 2022

What is

Freeze-drying is a dehydration technique based on the sublimation of water in a product. This means that the product’s water content transitions from a solid to a gaseous state — or from ice to vapor — without going through the liquid state. 

What are
the steps?

The freeze-drying process can be divided into three steps:

1.  Freezing:  The product is often frozen under atmospheric pressure.

2.  Primary drying:  Also known as proper freeze-drying, this is the sublimation step in which frozen free water is removed.
3.  Secondary drying:  Also known as desorption drying, it’s the drying of products to their desired humidity by removing the remaining bound water.

What are
some benefits?

Freeze-drying is considered a high quality dehydration method for a couple of reasons, including:


  • It operates at low temperatures, which contributes to preserving a product’s nutritional value, taste, appearance, and heat-sensitive compounds

  • Freezing inhibits chemical and microbiological processes, which significantly delays the product’s deterioration, thereby extending its shelf life (sometimes up to 25 years!)

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